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I offer tutoring for students of all ages in most subjects (please see FAQ for details), including reading remediation for students with dyslexia. In non-pandemic times, most students come once per week for one hour, and meet with me at the Westmount Library or the BANQ. During the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact me to discuss other arrangements.


My style of working relies on getting to know a student's abilities and needs on a deeper level than what a report card can show, and finding the most effective leverage point—the zone of proximal development—to build skills and confidence. Parents are often surprised to find that their children enjoy coming to see me. The reason is that my students can see themselves improving, and success feels good!


I generally work with students on longer-term goals like being able to extract important ideas from a text, answer questions thoroughly, or figure out why they don't do as well on math tests as on homework. For this reason, I typically ask that families commit to tutoring for at least one full school term.


If you'd like more information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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